Facilities and Fees

All nodes differentiate between internal and external users, some also between external academic and non-academic users. The system for financing infrastructures varies significantly between the facilities. Therefore internal instrument fees can vary from being very low to close to the same as for external users. The prices for external academic users also vary much between the nodes. It is therefore recommendable to contact the nodes to get detailed information about the prices at that node.


Kista Electrum

Special competences: Characterization of nanoparticulate matters including films and coatings, semiconductor circuits, cellulosic materials as well as metals and minerals are some of the main areas.

Contact person: Dr Fei Ye, feiy@kth.se

For sample preparation and other instruments, visit myfab:s homepage.

UEM – Materials Physics, Kista Electrum

Special competence: Ultrafast Electron Microscopy. The microscope is a customised JEOL 2100 with a thermionic emitter, additional electron optics, and a Gatan Quantum SE imaging energy filter. The drive laser is an Amplitude Systems Tangerine 35 W (300 fs). The demonstrated time resolution of the UEM is < 800 fs.

Contact person: Associate Professor Jonas Weissenrieder jonas@kth.se

Further information

Fibre and polymer technology (FPT)

Special competences: TEM, SEM and EDS analysis of fibre and polymer materials. In-situ SEM mechanical testing. Sample preparation with the Cryosectioning Ultramicrotome.

External academic users pay 90% of instrument fees.

Contact person: Dr Anastasia Riazanova anaria@kth.se

Sample preparation and other EM instruments, visit FPT’s homepage.

Materials science and engineering (MSE)

Special competences: Sample preparation and electron microscopy (TEM, SEM, FIB-SEM) of metallic materials etc.

For external academic users, contact the facility

Contact person: Peter Hedström pheds@kth.se

Resource Center for Coordination of Electron Microscopy (RSEM)



Contact person: Dr Anastasia Riazanova anaria@kth.se


Fees for Stockholm University. External academic users can choose between external fees or a bench fee (20 000 SEK/year) combined with internal fees. (The microscopes are booked in 4 h sessions).

Special competence: Electron crystallography, EELS and EDS of nanoparticles.

Contact person: Cheuk-Wai Tai (cheuk-wai.tai@mmk.su.se)

i) Can be booked on hourly basis.
ii) Additional time for start-up and close down may be needed.
iii) For access through ARTEMI the operator fee is covered by VR-RFI/SSF.
iv) JSM – IT800 is a national infrastructure supported by VR-RFI. Therefore, instrument fees for internal and external academic fees are the same.

Fees for sample preparation, SEK/h

# Additional time for start-up and close down will be needed.
i) National infrastructure supported by VR-RFI. Therefore, instrument fees for internal and external academic fees are the same.

For external academic users of SEM/TEM there is a bench fee of 25 000 SEK/year.


Special competences: EELS, EMCD, EDS, Imaging and Spectroscopic TEM 3D tomography, Soft materials TEM, FIB-TEM cryo preparation, FIB TEM lamella preparation, In-situ TEM, Phase contrast HRTEM imaging and simulation, image analysis

Contact person: Klaus Leifer klaus.leifer@angstrom.uu.se

More information:
Electron Microscopy and NanoEngineering
Ångström Microstructure Laboratory


SWERIM is a research institute and normally provide SEM and TEM studies as contract research and as an important tool short or long research projects.

Special competences: EM and microanalysis on commercial materials with special focus on steels, stainless steels and other metallic alloys. Surfaces including local hardening and surface protection coatings. Analysis of corrosion processes at ambient temperatures in different environments and high temperatures. Analysis of microstructures in powder materials and additive manufacturing, polymers etc. Sample preparation with conventional metallographic techniques and ion milling, etching and coating (FIB, BIB, PIPS, PECS).

Contact person: Joacim Hagström joacim.hagstrom@swerim.se

For sample preparation and price including operator and research cooperation, contact SWERIM at 08-4404800 or visit Swerim’s webpage for further information.

Contact to each node